Quiberon is a city right along the coast about a half hour from where I am living in Lorient. This area (as most) was affected by the war. You can tell with all the large holes (dents?) in the ground and the bunkers that line the road.
Aline mentioned "Dutch quality" as we drove by so maybe this was a Dutch bunker.. or maybe she was talking crap about the Dutch, I suppose I could ask, but in true teenage fashion she is in the other room and I am too lazy to get up.
We then came to a beautiful beach and stopped to get some pictures... this ended up being the beach from hell. It was beautiful and it was awesome to stop and see it, but after about 10 minutes it started to rain. About 2 minutes later it REALLY started to rain, and this was icy northern rain that stung every time it hit you. So at this point i'm carrying Lubin, the 3 year old, with Maialen right next to me and Aline has the baby, Ewen, strapped to her back and we are all running in this thick, thick white sand as fast as we can to get to the car. This was like a movie scene I'm telling you, slow motion running (maybe it's all the food we've been eating?), children crying (Actually they're always crying), and crazy weather (no comment). At one point Aline even threw the keys at me and yelling "You'll make it, go on without me!"( okay maybe her words were "you'll get to the car faster, get the children out of the rain" but it's almost the same thing, right?). But despite this catastrophic weather we were able to get some wonderful pictures.
(This was right after we got in the car.. I should have brought shampoo and saved myself some time)
We continued along the white coast to the actual city of Quiberon where we saw a house that is right out of a 19 century based horror film and some cliffs and waves that really were a sight to see.
This city is on the end of a land bridge that gets so narrow the ocean is only about 100 feet on each side of you. In the last panoramic picture you can almost see this, but I was on a part that was a bit larger than the rest, but it was the only place to pull over.
We then made our way to a very old city called Carnac where we visited the Menec Alignments. Aline explained these to me as the Stonehenge of Brittany. It is over 3,000 stone standing erect all over the Brittany countryside. There are no explanations as to why the stones are standing, but there is much folklore about it that range from the pope turning men into the stones to Arthurian legends.
This is about the time the kids were not feeling so excited to be driving around and around and around anymore so we headed home. And for dinner Aline made burritos this is about the best day ever.
Bonne nuit everyone!