So I suppose I didn't have all the information about our vacation time in my last post, we are actually spending 1 week in Paris and now we are in Versailles at Aline's in-laws flat for the next week.
As an American when I heard Versailles of course I pictured the palace, but I also figured the rest of the city to be made out of marble as well. Well it's not marble but much better. We are in a very rich, VERY nice neighborhood and the houses are beautiful old french houses, the kind that are millions of dollars and passed down to the heir of the estate kind of houses. (I'm so ready to knock on a door and ask if they need to marry off their first born son just so I can live here)
Alines in-laws are very cool. Her mother in-law is french born but speaks Spanish and English very well. In fact I thought she might have been Brittish because she has an accent when she speaks english, but she doesn't like tea so obviously she's not British. Her father in-law is more reserved that his wife, and I wasn't sure if he spoke English or not because he doesn't say to much, but I think he's the kind of refined French man who only speaks when there is something important to be said.
Their flat is exquisite. Absolutely beautiful. It's actually reminds me of my Aunt Marcy's old house, little trinkets everywhere, except these are all like "oh when we were in Iran we found this emerald encrusted plate" or "my husbands grandfather found there green clay soldiers in Egypt and they are the same as the ones at the Louvre". Oh and did I mention their flat is practically right down the street from the Palace?
So you could say in living the life right now.
A bit of what we've done the last few days. On Thursday we went to the Basilica de St. Denis. This is where the tombs for the French royalty are buried. During the revolution most of the bodies were stolen out of their tombs and buried in a mass grave, but for the short period while Napoleon was sent to Elba and the Bourbon family took over they restored most of the bodies to their rightful graves, including Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI. (Mr. Raymond should be so proud I remember my European history from his class).
On Saturday we went to the Louvre. If anyone reading this ever finds themselves on the European continent, I beg of you, please go to the Louvre. This museum is amazing. I mean the actual museum itself is a work of art, but I've never been surrounded by such amazing art. Of course we saw the Mona Lisa, and I thought it was amazing, smaller than I imagined, but to think da Vinci's eyes have also laid on that same painting, it's like sharing a moment with one of my favorite historical figures.